The God Who Destroys [Isaiah 13-14]

24 The LORD of hosts has sworn saying, "Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand,

27"For the LORD of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it? And as for His stretched-out hand, who can turn it back?"

From Isaiah chapter 13 to 23 are the oracles to the nations, while 7-12 were warnings for King Ahaz and Israel. Today's readings are addressed to Babylon and Philistia. As we continue reading through this section of Isaiah we will read oracles for Moab (modern day Jordan), Damascus, Egypt, Arabia, Judah, Edom and Tyre.

The difficulty I have in reading these chapters and much of the book of Isaiah is that it emphasizes God as Judge and Destroyer of whole nations. It is pretty much impossible for me to reconcile in my mind how my God who loves me so much that He died for me to save me can also be this God who seems so cruel and vicious to all of these people in all of these nations. However, whether I can fathom how God can be both wrathful and loving or not, the fact is, this is His nature according to the Bible. My job is not to try harder to accept what I can't accept, but to lay out the truth before God and tell Him how I feel about this wrathful thing and ask Him to believe the truth for me. He loves to answer those sorts of requests!

It is interesting to note that I had to take a break from writing this blog just now to take my Mom to the dentist. On my way home, I saw a bumper sticker that read "If you want peace, work for justice." That made me realize once again, that I really do want God to be a Just God because without His perfect justice, there will be no peace for His children. By His nature, He has to do away with evil and He has always demonstrated how serious He is about those who will not trust Him and who refuse to accept His sacrifice that enables us to be close to Him and protected by Him.

I chose the above Isaiah verses because they give me a sense of perfect control in seeming chaos. What happens is not random, but by God's control. And He has made clear that His character is excellent throughout the pages of His Word. He is trustworthy and faithful and whatever He chooses is just and right and no one can keep Him from acting according to His plan.

We praise You God for Your perfect character and Your perfect plans that cannot be frustrated. Cause us to trust that Your ways are  always right and be grateful that it is You that is in control.
Beth Warlick, 11/4/2009