The Abrahamic Covenant

TNIV Scripture for Wednesday, July 23, 2008 [Genesis 17:3-8]

Abram fell facedown, and God said to him, 'As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. No longer will you be called Abram ; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God.'

The Abrahamic Covenant

My (God's) covenant with you (Abraham)
Renamed Abraham (meaning father of a multitude)
You will be the father of many nations
You will be fruitful
Will make nations of you
Will establish an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for generations to come
Will be your God
Will be the God of your descendants after you
Will give you the whole land of Canaan to you as an everlasting possession to your and your descendants after you
Will be their (your descendant's) God

Paul, in his letter to the Romans (chapter 4), shed light on the importance of this covenant between God and Abraham several thousand years ago for you, the believer, today. Abraham believed God's promise (covenant) even though Abraham and his wife were old and beyond the childbearing years. That faith in God in spite of the circumstances was what made Abraham righteous and Abraham is your father and you are his descendant of the promise when you put your faith in Jesus, the mediator of this covenant.

Beth Warlick, 7/23/2008